Right Copyright

For educators

1. Copyright law is about to be changed

The European Commission has made a first proposal to be approved by the European Parliament for legislative change. This happens once in a generation. If we want a law that works for education, we have to embrace the opportunity of this reformation to make sure it is one that can surpass a lifetime. We must ensure the legal framework is changed for the better.

2. The current proposal is not up to speed with the digital opportunities we have today

Every teacher in the 21st century makes use of digital and technological tools when educating their students. This enables teachers to teach in new and engaging ways. We must be sure that technology within education can flourish, whilst also ensuring that educators need not deal with complex legal issues.

3. The current proposal excludes museums, libraries and NGOs in the legal framework

The proposal currently only recognises accredited schools and universities. We need to ensure that other institutions and individuals who are responsible for providing education today are also included in a legal framework.

For policymakers

Educators need future-proof copyright law
Educators should be free to teach without needing to get involved with the intricacies of copyright law. On our main website we publish more information on our findings and explain our position in the current copyright reform.

Educators across the EU should share the same rights 
Our legal research on the educational exceptions and limitations shows the fragmented landscape of copyright rules in selected European countries. The research, carried out by Teresa Nobre, updates and complements her 2014 working paper. Specific educational practices were analysed under the laws of each country to help understand the obstacles posed by outdated copyright rules to both modern and traditional education.

Legal Research Infographics

Legal Research Report

Educators should be able to provide high-quality education
The digital era has created many opportunities for teachers to teach their students in new and engaging ways. We have interviewed teachers in different member states of the European Union that use digital technology in their classes. Our findings clearly indicate that greater use of new technologies and innovative practices in school means greater awareness of copyright among the teachers.

Teachers and modern educational practices

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